So your Car won’t start – No need to Panic

Posted on February 24, 2014 at 11:05 am

It can be a bit of a shock when your cars been functioning as normal and you step out one morning to head to work to find that it will not start. First, make sure you do not strain the engine by continuously turning the key, because that will only drain the battery even more.

The cause of the problem could be anything, and it’s not always a big issue. Sometimes simple turning the key over to ignition and waiting for thirty seconds, and then starting with your foot on the throttle will do the job.

If not you can always jump start your car with wires and family member’s vehicle, and as you drive away your battery will begin to recharge itself. We know that it’s not always the battery but these simple steps can occasionally save the day, and it’s not always right to panic and give up straight away.

Posted in Cars