Do you Need New Windscreen Wipers?

Posted on March 20, 2018 at 7:49 pm

Windscreen wipers may be simple, but they carry out an essential function, ensuring your can see clearly when you are driving. If you don’t have windscreen wipers that are functioning fully, then you will need to get some new ones. So how do you know when the time has come to invest in a new pair? Here are some tips:

  • The windscreen isn’t clearing as effectively. If you notice that using your wipers isn’t working as well and the rain or snow isn’t being cleared properly, your wipers may be getting old and less effective.
  • You start to notice some friction. The windscreen wipers may begin to jar as they move – you will probably hear a grating noise. You will also probably notice a reduction in their effectiveness.
  • Windscreen wipers are an advisory after your service. This means you will need some new ones soon, so keep an eye on them.

Posted in Cars